If there is one thing you need to know about poker, it is that downswings are inescapable. If you’ve ever played poker, you’ve probably experienced a downswing at least once, if not more than once. Downswings are undoubtedly among the most challenging aspects of the game, and they may be highly discouraging. Poker downswings that last longer can test your mental toughness, but losing your stake in a single game is still something you can handle.
Whether you are a pro or an amateur, you can use these poker tips on how to handle downswings in poker.
Reduce Your Stakes
Dropping your stakes is one of the best live or online poker tips to lessen downswings. They can prevent a significant negative impact on your bankroll. You must play poker at specific limitations, depending on your performance. You need to be aware of your current limitations when going through a downswing. If you notice that you lose more than gain, it’s time to start thinking about playing at low stakes.
As the action in low-stake games is generally lighter, you can concentrate better on outperforming your opponents. Also, a few victories can boost your self-esteem and help you regain your composure. Low-stakes games can get you out of the vicious spiral of downswings, and you can jump back into your normal games when you feel ready.
Practice Regularly
No matter what format you play, poker is a constantly evolving game. Particularly in online settings, the ideal poker techniques from the previous year could not be the right one now. Hence, if you want to play poker for a living, you need to stay current with the latest developments.
The good news is that thorough research may greatly enhance confidence, especially in challenging circumstances. There is no better approach to reassure yourself of your expertise amid losing streaks, whether you play tournaments, cash games, or spins. Practice will help you get ready when you return to the game.
Review Your Play
True, downswings in poker are natural, but if they go on for long, you need to assess your game. Players can occasionally be more overconfident in their abilities than they should be. But, during a downswing, every player should review their play to see if they are committing any errors. Step back and analyze your game by looking through your hand history whenever you see you are gradually falling into the downswing trap.
Taking a Break
You may deal with the uncomfortable emotions that come with downswings by taking a break and stepping away from poker. Playing poker is similar to working, you can get burned out, and downswings can even cause a negative impact. Therefore, you end up making reckless decisions that can affect your bankroll.
You can take some time off by playing other casino games, taking a vacation, or refreshing your knowledge. By taking a step back, you save yourself from losing money, and you can have a fresh perspective.
Search Out a Coach or Ask Help From Others
Formal poker mentoring is becoming increasingly popular. Players can pick up methods, tips, tricks, and important lessons on the internet by listening to poker professionals at a live table and other places. You can find a coach who may be a friend with poker knowledge or even someone online. In this way, you can discuss your online poker strategy to gain insights into the game from many angles.
Another way to bounce back from slumps is to seek assistance from better players. It’s wonderful and fortunate that you can find poker players at a comparable level to you or even better. You can try study groups or communities to join. People who are part of these groups can help you with any question you ask.
You can also review your hands by sharing them online to ask for help. In fact, sharing with others may even allow you to understand your hands better. This is because reviews can come from expert players. You can easily determine your mistakes with the help of other players.
Maintain Concentration
Keeping your focus is crucial for winning poker games. It will be simpler to decide if your current position is just variance or if it points toward a downswing if you are focused. Depending on your assessment and evaluation, you can make the necessary corrections before the effects become more serious.
Adhere to Your Plan
Downswings have no impact on the long-term win rate. It is your mindset and strategy that will affect your game.
Several players make the error of altering their poker strategies when the going gets tough. They change their style of play by becoming more passive, aggressive, or both. Poker pros rarely change their game strategy since they are completely comfortable with it.
You will recover from the slump and downswing far more quickly if you trust your approach and the techniques you have studied.
Start Each Session From Scratch
Some players who experience downswings make the mistake of playing a new session. Despite being frustrated and still thinking of their losses, they continue to play.
The past must be completely forgotten if you decide to start a new game. Consider it a brand-new game that has nothing to do with the one before. Playing a fresh poker game shouldn’t be influenced by your past failures.
You should not participate if you think you will lose the current game simply because you have lost your previous five games. Negative thinking will never help you when you play, and since you expect to lose this session as well, you likely will.
Each new gaming session should start with a positive outlook. Have faith in your game style and your intended course of action. Before you play, forget previous sessions since negative experiences from earlier sessions can only affect your present and future sessions if you let them.
A winning player is known for handling downswings so they can continue playing. Using these trying times as a friendly reminder to learn something new might be rewarding. You should set a goal for yourself to read a new poker book, participate in poker forums, discuss tactics with other players, and practice. Remember that just because you are a good player doesn’t mean you will always win. Every player needs to refresh their memory and keep improving their skills as a pro does.